Lapis Fungus
Highly concentrated powder of red Ganoderma lucidum spores with Red Garlic
Garlic in this formulation of red Ganoderma lucidum, enhances its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-allergy therapeutic effect. It has been used for more than 5,000 years in East Asia.
Highly concentrated powder of red Ganoderma lucidum spores with Red Garlic
Strong red Ganoderma lucidum
Due to its quality, this product is limited in its availability.
Pack of Red Ganoderma Lucidum (with Garlic) – 100 g
Daily Serving Size : one half of a tea spoon (2 grams or 0.0706 oz) twice a day in morning and at bed time 10 mins after last meal.
Serving Per Box : 50
This fungus, Ling Zhi in Mandarin or Reishi in Japanese, traditionally found and used throughout Asia, is quoted in the “Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine” as “The Great Protector” due to its qualities as an adaptogen.
Our laboratory has recreated the optimal conditions for growing Ganoderma lucidum, inspired by biodynamic cultivation techniques, without the addition of chemicals.
Sadly, it has become very rare in the wild and the natural conditions required for this fungus to grow have changed since the beginning of the industrial era, caused by acid rain, global decline in oxygen, pollution, micro-dust, climate change, radioactivity, population growth, and indiscriminate harvesting.
Our cultivation and extraction facility has created the best natural conditions for growing Ganoderma Lucidum while guaranteeing the organoleptic quality of the active substances and the vibration frequency properties of this fungus.
It is grown on selected wood stumps for a biodynamic growth cycle. The laboratory also controls the microclimate, humidity, purity of the air, and oxygen content to activate its organelles and metabolites in order to keep its active substances alive.
Exceptional seeds have been selected over several years from the cultivation of over one hundred different spore varieties.
Quality control in cultivation and respect for the biodynamic cycle ensures the exceptional quality of the Ganoderma lucidum and its components, such as the following amino acids and minerals: germanium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.
The selection of the spores, treatment of the fresh powder at precisely the right time, the breaking of the spores and an antioxidant regranulation technique ensure the extraction and concentration at low temperature of active substances with high vibration quality and excellent bioavailability (absorption).
The main ingredients of powdered Ganoderma lucidum and Red Garlic are polysaccharides of Ganoderma lucidum, red garlic, and organic selenium. This combination has an important function in the protection of the liver.
Lapis Fungus is a concentrate 70% stronger than traditional extract of Ganoderma lucidum obtained from extraction of the active substances of rare and expensive spores.
In the first stage 10,000 to 12,000 kg (10/12 tons) of Ganoderma lucidum are required to produce 100 kg of spores. However, four times the amount of spores (4 x 100 kg, or 400 kg), are required to extract enough active substance to obtain 100 kg of Lapis Fungus powder.
Red Garlic
Garlic, in this formulation of red Ganoderma lucidum, enhances its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol, antioxidant, anti-allergy therapeutic effect. It has been used for more than 5,000 years in East Asia.
Phenolic acids (organic compounds with at least one carboxylic function and a phenolic hydroxyl) in garlic act have antiseptic properties and act on the digestive system and respiratory tract. Its blood thinning effect and ability to dissolve small blood clots slow down the evolution of atherosclerosis. Its sulfur-based active substances dilate the coronary arteries. It helps prevent stomach, colon and rectal cancers and is effective against parasites. It promotes digestion and the development of intestinal flora thanks to inulin*, the prebiotic it naturally contains.
*Inulin is a polysaccharide (chain of simple sugars, like fructose, bound together) produced naturally by many types of plants. It belongs to a class of dietary fibre called fructan. Inulin is used by some plants as a means of storing energy, usually in roots or rhizomes.
It contains allicin, which has a cardioprotective effect and reduces arteriosclerosis plaques. Allicin is a transient compound that transforms rapidly into other sulfur compounds, which are active in the body
Its antioxidant properties protect the cells of the body from the damage of free radicals. It contains flavonoids and tocopherols**, in addition to the sulfur compounds that also contribute to its antioxidant activity. Garlic contains more than 30 sulfur compounds, 17 amino acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc, vitamins B1 Thiamine, B2 Riboflavin, B3 Niacin, B5 Pantothenic acid, B6, B9 Folate, and C.
**α-Tocopherol is a type of vitamin E that is preferentially absorbed and accumulated in humans.
Recognised general properties
This product is especially recommended for people with chronic liver conditions. It is particularly beneficial for people who want to break free from alcohol addiction. It contributes to the regeneration of the liver and promotes microcirculation.
- Adaptogenic (anti-stress)
- Anti-allergenic
- Analgesic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Maintains genetic stability (telomeres)
- Hepatoprotective
- Antifungal
- Strengthens immunity
- Relaxing effect and improves sleep
- Reduces heavy metals
- Reduces the adverse effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Adults : take a teaspoon of Ganoderma Lucidum powder in hot (not boiling) water 2-3 times a day preferably after meals.
If you find the taste too bitter, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Do not use beet or cane sugar.
This product is also recommended for children who need energy and concentration, and for those with high sugar levels. Take a single sachet after breakfast in the morning.
Box of 100 gram in bulk.
The actual legend of Ling Zhi
The concern of the ancient Chinese alchemists and magicians doctors, and those of other continents, was to understand the order of construction of our world, from the emanation plan to the action plan, in other words, from invisible to visible. They sought to fix, to concentrate and maintain in a matter which they called “black peat or al-kemia” or Philosophical egg: nature’s universal forces. They sought the preparation of a universal medicine to maintain the body’s healthy energy, and thus extend life.
We believe after much research and questioning, Chinese masters in the high antiquity Egyptian initiates, Indians, Celtics (druids), Mayans, Persians, etc … were in contact, and exchanged knowledge of nature and science that has now largely disappeared.
Different legends and world texts often mention the art of extracting the three principles of the three reigns; vegetable, mineral and crystalline: the saline principle, the oily principle and the sulfur principle, to manufacture this elixir of life called in the West “philosopher’s Stone” called in China “lian dan shu”, the genuine blood “zhen zheng xue”.
For some Chinese followers, this science was in two different applications, but the knowledge base remains the same. We find these two applications in two words : spagyric composed of two roots “spao” (separate) and “ageirem” (together) and, alchemy composed of “al” and “kemia” or “al god” and “kemia “(chemistry), the operating principle is “solve” (separate, sublimate) and “kemia” (coagula : collect). So the art is in separating the three principles, to purify them and to gather them again.
Spagyric concerns the art of extracting principles from herbs or metals, and, alchemy, transformation through the art of oratory and laboratory, matter but also the alchemist himself : the reward being the philosopher’s stone symbolized by the “dragon’s blood of the sky” for the Chinese masters they took as an elixir to regenerate every sixty years; this red mercury spread out, shows a golden color.
We do not intend in these few lines to explain in full the enormous science (we are unable) jealously guarded by all the followers of the different continents for thousands of years. This science was chased by the various kings and emperors of China and elsewhere because it represented a real power, not on the subject but on the mind as it explained the reason of our existence and it’s purpose.
The making of black peat, the real catalyst of energy forces the plant’s lifeblood to condense these forces and assimilate them through the body to strengthen its physical and subtle energy. The raw material has always been highly guarded over time although many texts explain it is found in abundance and is very simple to obtain. They sought out through observations and laboratory operations what could be this raw material capable of separating, sublimating and retaining those forces.
They defined a method to gather plants at sunrise, without the energy of those returning to earth, to keep the elemental forces. After picking, they sealed the plant inside a clay container protected from light, filled with collected fresh dew at sunrise at a particular time of year.
The assembly was then heated to temperature of ash (40 degrees) for a period of 40 days. This operation was repeated several times a year to impregnate, and to fertilize this mater peat and energy which passed through different stages of fermentation to sublimation and then calcification.
After having achieved its term, the peat had the ability to extract the first essence of gold, his mercurial principle is to tint the final sublimation of the peat extracted in a gold color (“yang” principle, the sun) or silver (“ying”principle, the moon).
The different stages of the making of the elixir allowed to pass these three principles: saline, mercurial and sulfur vegetable reign by the four elements: earth, water, air and fire (cold, hot, wet and dry / lymphatic, melancholic, sanguineous, bilious). The fifth element, wood, represents the synthesis of the previous four, the reaction of the three principles in the four elements: it is the secret fire, the dry and wet salt that is exposed to the moon.
This wood principle is composed and fixed of the ancestral energy “spirit of the world” which in Latin is pronounced “the mondis spiritus”.
This is for that reason we find in Asian symbolism and also in Chinese medicine the Ling Zhi. The Chinese masters had understood this fungus and took it as a basis for the making of that elixir. When peat was ready, they added a tiny amount of gold or silver, then alchemically prepared the dilution according to principles we find in the West in anthroposophic medicine or the dilution method of Hanhnemanian homeopathy to perfect their medicine.
It was also true for the Arab, European, Indian spagyrists alchemists, etc … Only the basic plants they used were different, and depending of the culture, the method varied in the preparation steps but the knowledge of the various plants was the same.
It is disturbing to find in Chinese symbolism, the Ling Zhi in the ibis bird beak, we also find in the Egyptian symbolism as it also represents the Thoth or Hermes bird, the alchemy father.
We hope through these succinct lines to have opened a reflection on the symbolism and the science of the ancient “Chinese” masters who used the red Gadonerma Lucidum for its various qualities a long time before ourselves and our current science have discovered the properties.
This knowledge in China, the extracting art and preparation of remedies as well as acupuncture knowledge (ancient Chinese doctors were using gold or silver needles they dipped in some situations in a gold or silver elixir) and medicine, was transmitted orally from master to student which explains the lack of accessible information we have received.
There are six or seven different varieties of Ganoderma but we will retain only six because the seventh is extremely rare (red, purple, blue, yellow, black or white). These color differences are due to specific growing conditions and soil quality.
Only the Ganoderma Lucidum red at full maturity contains all the active ingredients such as amino acids, and the following minerals: germanium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.
Only the fruiting body of red Ganoderma Lucidum harvested at maturity are selected for extraction. The red Gadonerma Lucidum is a lineous mushroom that contains over 200 active ingredients. The red Gadonerma Lucidum has a particularly rich composition in antioxidants ; these antioxidants are not only vitamins or minerals, but also its own active ingredients. Red Ganoderma Lucicum also contains large amounts of polysaccharides and triterpenes (including these components favoring the development of new healthy cells).
Among the polysaccharides contained in the Gadonerma, we find amino acids such as glycoproteins, acidic and neutral b-D Glutanic fractions, hétéro-carbohy-drates: D-mannose, D-glucuronic acid, Dxylose. Among the triterpene hydroperoxides present in the Ganoderma Lucidum, we find lanostanes (ganoderic acids, but also ganolucidic and lucidenic, etc …) In addition, the Gadonerma contains 7-hydroxysterols and other elements not analyzed.
The active ingredients present in Ganoderma are quite rare in the plant world, which explains its particular effect on the human body.
The most important Ganoderma components are: polysaccharides, triterpenes * and Adenosine. Each of these three components are medically recognized as having excellent positive effects.
* Triterpenes are of organic origin substances C30 (30 carbon atoms) of the terpene family. Widespread in nature, including one found in the resins, in the free state, or esterified form hétérosidique.
is one of the bricks of nucleic acids. Adenosine is derived from the combination of the nitrogenous base adenine and ribose (for RNA) or deoxyribose (for DNA). Adenosine may be associated with phosphate groups. This is called adenosine monophosphate (AMP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
- Adenosine participates in the formation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). But it also plays major roles in metabolism.
- Particularly, ATP is a molecule which energy can release energy by hydrolyzing a phosphodiester bond.
- Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is also a particular molecule, in the sense that it acts as a relay in the transduction of signals is also intracellular. Adenosine is also a hormone neurotransmitter.
Ganodermic acids are classified as triterpenes. These triterpenes accentuate the oxygen consumption, tone the liver and have anti-stress action. Those are these acids which are responsible for the slightly bitter taste of Ganoderma-based products.
These polysaccharides are a long chain of glucose molecules which help to strengthen the physical recovery capacity for the entire body.
Stimulates the immune reactions of the polysaccharides chain (polysaccharides (sometimes called glycans, polysaccharides, complex carbohydrates or polysaccharides) are polymers of more monosaccharides linked together by O-glycosidic bonds reserve polysaccharides: the energy source molecule for living beings is mainly glucose, the form of starch in plants and glycogen in animals).
Increases the secretion of TNF Alpha [tumor necrosis factor (TNF from english : tumor necrosis factor, also called cachexine or cachectin) is an important cytokine involved in systemic inflammation and in the reaction phase aiguë. Le TNF ά is part of a group of several cytokines that stimulate any acute reaction phase. It is a glycoprotein of 185 amino acids, obtained by cleavage of a precursor of 212 amino acids located on the surface of macrophages or fibroblasts. Some cells secrete shorter or longer isoforms. Genetically, TNF ά derived from chromosome 6p21 in humans]
promote the immune response of T helper cells, the aqueous extract increases the weight of immunocompetent tissues, increases phagocytosis by macrophages * induces T cell proliferation and activity of Natural Killer.
* Macrophages are cells infiltrating tissues, discovered by Elie Metchnikoff in 1883. They originate from the differentiation of blood leukocytes, monocytes.
Opposes the substances likely to introduce mutations.
Prevents the increase in transaminases ** and alkaline phosphatase (alcoholism).
** Transaminases are enzymes located within the cells. There are two types: aspartame aminotransferase (AST or GOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT or GPT). The transaminase levels in the blood increase when there is a cellular damage, primarily in the liver, heart, kidney or muscle. Their dosage is useful in the diagnosis of diseases such as viral hepatitis, liver damage by alcohol or myocardial infarction.
Increases the levels of reduced glutathione and the activities of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, super-oxide dismutase.
*** Antioxidants are molecules naturally present in many foods and have a sensor function of free radicals responsible inter alia for cell aging. They also help to lower cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancers or eye protection. The family of antioxidants include vitamins C and E, pro-vitamin A, polyphenols…
gastric protector is usually a substance whose role or one of the properties is to prevent damage to the stomach lining.
supports activity and regeneration of neural transmission network.
Antidepressant properties.
Antitumor by triterpenes**
** Triterpenes are of organic origin substances C30 (30 carbon atoms) of the terpene family. Very widespread in nature, including one found in the resins, in the free state under esterified or hétéroside form) and polysaccharides (growth inhibition of liver tumor cells without affecting normal hepatocytes). (The hepatocytes are liver cells. These are real biochemical factories, ensuring many metabolic functions.)
Its anti-tumor properties inhibit the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells in down-regulating Akt signaling / NF-kappaB and also in the prostate PC 3 cells.
by its activity on the angiotensin converting enzyme (angiotensinogen, angiotensin I and angiotensin II peptides are involved in the maintenance of blood volume and pressure. They play a role important in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system).
Physical and mental adaptogen
an adaptogen plant is a plant increasing the capacity of our body to adapt to different stress, whatever their origins. In traditional Chinese medicine, the notion of “adaptogen” has existed for thousands of years under the concept of “superior tonic”, which regulate the various functions and increase energy, overall health-promoting without dealing for many specific diseases.
As various studies have shown, this concept fits well with plants such as Panax ginseng, lapacho, Rhodiola rosea, Astragalus membranaceus, leutherococcus senticosus, the Schisandra chinensis, whose action allows to raise (or lower) body temperature or blood pressure, to lose (or gain) weight, boost (or calming) nervous system, hormonal and immune system.
Adaptogenic plants bring a functional and variable response of modulation and regulation, specific to the individual needs. These plants are characterized by non-specific action on the organism.
Adaptogens are general regulators internal functions : they tend to increase own homeostatic capabilities to our organism, in constant search for balance.
Pain relievers or analgesics are drugs used in medicine in the pain treatment. Naturally Increases glutathione levels * Reduced the activities of glutathione peroxidase ** glutathione-S-transferase *** and superoxide dismutase ****
* Glutathione: Glutathione is a tripeptide, formed by the condensation of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine. Glutathione, which exists in an oxidized and reduced form, is involved in maintaining the redox potential of the cell cytoplasm. It is also involved in a number of detoxification reaction and scavenging reactive oxygen species. Note cysteine amino group is condensed with the carboxylic acid function in γ glutamic acid. Virtually all cells contain a high concentration. It is represented in a simplified manner by GSH (reduced form) or GSSG (oxidized form), thiol function is giving it its main biochemical properties.
** Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is a function having selenoprotein enzyme, composed of four subunits, each containing a selenium atom incorporated in a selenocysteine molecule (wherein the sulfur of the thiol group of cysteine is replaced by the selenium). Glutathione peroxidase is present in the extracellular fluids and also in the cells on the cytosol and mitochondria level. It ensures the transformation of particular lipidic organic hydroperoxides type ROOH in ROH.
*** glutathione-S-transferase: A glutathione S-transferase (GST) is a transferase which catalyzes reactions of the type: – RX + HX + RS-glutathione glutathione.
**** The superoxide dismutases (SOD), are metalloproteins having an enzymatic activity : the dismutation of superoxide catalyzis into oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. For this reason, this enzyme is an important part of the defense system against free radicals.
The enzymes in this family are diverse. Whether cytosolic proteins, mitochondrial or microsomal (now gathered under the acronym of MAPEG) the GST are present in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. In the latter, they catalyze many reactions, the best known is the conjugation of GSH reduced to endogenous substrates and xenobiotics.
Summary of properties
- Immune enhancer
- Antimutagenic
- Antioxidant
- Gastroprotective
- Neuroprotective
- Antidepressant
- Adaptogen
- Anti-tumor
- Antihypertensive, improves cardiovascular system
- Analgesic Action on physical and brain regeneration
- Greatly improves sleep and physical recovery
- Increase energy levels
The Ganoderma can be used daily for food and drug poisoning, to prevent flu, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis and many problems and diseases related viruses, bacteria. Hepatoprotective (alcoholism) major detoxifying agent in case of poisoning with heavy metals and pollutants.
For more scientific information please visit by clicking here
Due to its quality, this product is limited in its availability.
This narrative was written by “Fulmina Foundation.”
The explanations of scientific and medical terms are partially excerpts of the Wikipedia Foundation that we thank.
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Additional information
Weight | 0.1 kg |
Objective | Regeneration |
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