




A product for global regeneration

This dietary supplement is powerful for eliminating free radicals, other toxins in the heart of all cells. It helps in the natural production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) the energy source of our body. It has an anti-aging action by maintaining the length of the telomeres. It acts on intra/extra cellular osmosis and facilitates the production of enzymes. It maintains all the general functions of the organism.



A product for global regeneration

This dietary supplement is powerful for eliminating free radicals, other toxins in the heart of all cells. It helps in the natural production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) the energy source of our body. It has an anti-aging action by maintaining the length of the telomeres. It acts on intra/extra cellular osmosis and facilitates the production of enzymes. It maintains all the general functions of the organism.

The product Lapis Elixir Fulmina cleanses free radicals and other toxins in order to keep the production of ATP. Amust supports all the functions and production of enzymes that allow all physiological processes of transformation (digestion, nerve conduction, hormone synthesis, blood circulation, reproductive functions, etc.) and intra/extra cellular exchanges in order to maintain the authenticity of cellular duplication (maintaining telomere length). This natural extract supports the presynaptic transmission of cellular bioelectricity, or the energy often called “Qi” or “Ch’i”.

Amust promotes the immune system at the highest level in terms of quality. It has a strong effect on free radicals: the enzymes and plant peptides that Amust contains, contribute to the natural increase of Adenosine Triphosphate (APP) to regulate the functioning of cells.

This product prolongs vital functions by limiting the risk of cell degeneration as well as possible poor anarchic duplications often due to stress, diet and excessive industrial lifestyle.

Amust maintains hormonal and gynecological functions in both sexes. It brings energy to the kidneys (osteoporosis, menopause, andropause, libido) in order to maintain a good level of calcium. It has a detoxifying action on the liver (including after cirrhosis) and gallbladder. It helps regulate hyper-glycemia, blood pressure (high blood pressure), endotoxins at the bone level. It promotes the regeneration of sight by its action on the bloodstream micro circulation.

We observed after two weeks of taking Amust a strong action on skin problems, old age spots (old toxins), sun tasks (while the Lapis Elixir product acts more on wrinkles).

Because of this elimination of free radicals and this overall reset, it is to be expected in the first days of taking Amust, significant physical detoxification reactions but also emotional reactions in some people, because of this overall regeneration. It can therefore wake up momentarily, aches from injuries, shocks, old traumas (physical memories), heavy pathologies, fatigue, and requires a greater need for sleep to allow energies to return to all levels, including muscles.

It is composed of root extracts and buds from several varieties of sacred ancestral trees including active ingredients and eukaryotic cell enzymes selected for their genomic memories, their regenerative qualities with other shrubs and plants such as arugula, blueberry, lycium, Jujube and other fruit and vegetable enzymes.

In the face of detoxification reactions, we recommend this product preferably to people who have already consumed the following dietary supplements: Lapis Pro and Lapis Elixir.

It is not necessary to take this product for a long period. This is why it is packaged in boxes of five tablets. We recommend taking one to two boxes to get a very positive result but if you like it, there is no real limit, only the dosage is to be spaced. The intake time to regenerate your body with Amust, is about two months on average and then two months of maintenance at lower dosage. Its effectiveness can be felt for several months.

AMUST, advice and dosage

We advise you to take this product as follows: half a tablet to one tablet per day depending on your weight (female or man), your age and your physical sensitivity, either in the morning or in the evening, 30 Min. before or after the meal, for up to five (5) days in the first week. For people over the age of 70, it is best to take it at night. Melt the tablet under the tongue for as long as possible and drink plenty of spring water between meals.

After the first cycle of 5 days, continue to take half a tablet to one Amust tablet every two to three days, for two months. For a full cycle, you need:

  • 2 to 3 boxes (the first month according to your weight and sensitivity)
  • 2 to 3 boxes (the second month depending on your weight and sensitivity)

half a tablet to one tablet once a week and especially with changes in the seasons (autumn and spring).

Other advices

The product is not a drug and does not replace any allopathic medical treatment, it does not involve any danger, no toxicity or addiction, but be aware that the bioelectricity it generates is powerful for the cells of your body.

WARNING: This product is NOT RECOMMENDED for children under 14 years of age, as it is not necessary.

It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE.

IT IS NOT ADVISABLE for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Dietary tips: Avoid deli meats and alcohol while taking this product if possible.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg



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