Glechoma Hederacea
SPAGELIOS – Glechoma Hederacea
Spagyric Quintessence
Ground Ivy is traditionally used in the following cases :
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiseptic
- Antitussive, mucolytic, expectorant, greasy cough, coughing
- Sinusitis
- Vulneraries : promotes wound and wound healing
Traditional use of Ground Ivy spagyric quintessence :
Has an action on the solar plexus (emotional, pancreas).
This energy center directs in the human being : devotion, unity of intent, love, tenderness, emotional intuition, loyalty of emotional feelings, respect.
Vices of this energy center : selfish love and jealousy, exaggerated “support” on others, bias, tendency to disappointment (emotional), bigotry, superstition, prejudice, premature conclusions, violent angers.
Virtues to acquire from this energy center : strength in these feelings, feelings without sensitivity, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, emotional serenity, balance and common sense.
Action of the remedy :
Regulating the energy sphere of the pancreas, improving slow and difficult digestions, acts on emotional, emotional and digestively resounding fears by facilitating externalizations. Tempers the too great need for the love of others.
Self-prescription advice
Generally, the following continuous treatment :
Take one pipette three times a day : morning, noon and evening between meals directly in the mouth.
Stir in the mouth with saliva for 1 to 2 minutes then swallow.
Shake the bottle before use.
For children : half a pipette three times a day.
Presentation : 50 ml bottle.
ID : SPA001GLEC015