




Re’Set is a plant extract composed of various molecules from ancestral trees and plants used in traditional medicine. Re’Set comes in the form of a concentrated liophilized powder, rich in active ingredients that protects and resets the cellular life program. The manufacturing process was developed thanks to two complementary fields of knowledge: alchemy and metagenomic science*, which allows the selection of eukaryotic cells from the plant world matching to the desired regenerative action.

*Metagenomics or environmental genomics is a method for studying the genetic content of samples from complex environments taken from nature.



Re’Set is packaged in one small bottle of 20 G (0.70 oz)

Re’Set is mainly composed of Pseudolarix Amabilis root extract:

1. Re’set has a significant anti-tumor effect on the degeneration of cells of the lung, blood, stomach, liver, gallbladder, intestine, pancreas, uterus, ovary, cervix, prostate, breast, brain, nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus, bones, bladder, skin, lymph and retina. Re’Set is composed of natural and organic vegetal cells that significantly slow down the growth and proliferation of degenerative or anarchic cells, causing apoptosis* of healthy cells: it resets transcription and replication of cells, improves immune function and significantly boosts cellular energy (mitochondrial bioelectricity).

*Apoptosis is the process by which cells trigger their self-destruction in response to a signal.

2. Re’Set has an action on the degeneration of blood cells (leukemia for example) because it is rich in flavonoids from Pseudolarix Amabilis which can inhibit the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by leukemic cells that promote and induce apoptosis of white blood cells: Re’set has an obvious reset effect on the quality of blood cells.

3. Re’Set has an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and antibacterial action including Staphylococcus Aureus, Escherichia Coli, Common Proteus, Pneumococcus, Tuberculosis, Streptococcus alpha, Catarrh, Penicillium, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Dysentery, Aspergillus niger…

4. Re’Set scavenges free radicals and resists lipid oxidation. It is rich in quercetin and tannin compounds that directly or indirectly eliminate superoxide radicals in the body, precipitate proteins, rebalance intracellular oxidation, reset anti-lipid oxidation.

5. Re’Set is extremely effective in inhibiting the interaction of H2O2 free radicals with red blood cells, it strengthens the red blood cell membrane, it reduces hemolysis and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. It also prevents oxidative damage in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

6. Re’Set has an anti-thrombosis effect, it helps to inhibit platelet aggregation. Quercetin protects the cardiovascular system and helps to soften arteries which has the effect of regulating blood pressure and arrhythmia.

7. Re’Set improves the cardiac and cerebral vascular circulation and naturally lowers serum cholesterol. It promotes blood circulation, decreases cardiovascular and cerebrovascular resistance, has clear protective effects on myocardial ischemia and hypoxic lesions*, and has significant effects on improving microcirculation.
*Hypoxia occurs when the body or brain is partially deprived of oxygen, resulting in permanent damage. Anoxia is the common result of hypoxia when the brain or body partially loses its oxygen supply.

8. Re’Set has effects traditionally seen in internal bleeding, urinary bleeding, bloody vomit or blood in the stool. Re’Set is mainly composed of Pseudolarix Amabilis rich in flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and anti-free radical properties.

9. Re’Set protects the nervous system resulting in soothing and calming effects, re-initializes the central nervous system, stimulates a good mood and helps to eliminate fatigue very quickly.

10. Re’Set helps prevent liver and kidney fibrosis. The compounds extracted with an ancestral process considerably inhibit the lipid peroxidation* of the hepatic tissue. It reduces the formation of lipofuscin in the liver tissue, blocks the effects of fibrous cytokines on the hepatic stellate cells, prevents hepatic and renal fibrosis, protects and regenerates the liver functions globally.

*Lipid peroxidation is a chain reaction which is an example of oxidation very dangerous for cells.

11. Re’Set provides antispasmodic, antiallergic and antiarrhythmic effects. It improves myocardial function caused by hypoxia.

12. Re’Set allows to obtain expectorant, antitussive, anti-inflammatory effects: it slows down effectively cough and asthma.

13. Re’Set helps protect cell duplication and maintain telomerase information (telomeres). Re’Set’s compounds scavenge free radicals and protect against the effects of radiation.

14. Re’Set has an action on traumas and burns : it avoids infections, promotes the function of cellular regeneration and improves immune functions.

15. Re’Set promotes the dissolution of gallstones and facilitates the treatment of gallstones and cholecystitis.

*Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, usually caused by the presence of a gallstone that blocks the cystic duct.

16. Re’Set slows down osteoporosis, menopausis, andropause and helps regulate age-related female and male issues (ovaries/uterus or prostate).


Take only one small pod of powder diluted in a small glass of spring water 15 mins before bedtime.

We recommend taking one 20 g (0.70 oz) bottle per month for basic treatment.

In case of serious issue, take two 20 g (0.70 oz) bottles per month, i.e. two pods of powder per day (one 20 mins minimum after breakfast and one in evening at bedtime).

We advise you to respect the doses, as this dietary supplement is highly concentrated and effective.


USD 435 per 20 g (0.70 oz) bottle for one month.

This product is NOT a medication and it is not intended to replace any allopathic medical treatment; it does not carry any danger, NO toxicity or habituation, but be aware that the bio-electricity it generates is a powerful tool for the cells of your organism.

ATTENTION: This product is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE BELOW THE AGE OF 22 YEARS OLD since it should not be necessary.

It is recommended for people of the THIRD AGE population.

It is NOT RECOMMANDED for pregnant women, nor during the milking period.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg



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