SPAGELIOS – Sardonyx
Spagyric Quintessence
Traditional use of Chalcedony Sardonyx (chalcedony) spagyric quintessence :
Family of agates of a rhombohedral geometric shape.
Allows you to control difficult and heavy situations. Improves heart function, helps in case of cardiac weakness or arrhythmia. It has an anti-inflammatory effect (rheumatism, arthritis). It detoxifies to reduce inflammation. It has an effect on the fungus and the immune system.
Among the Amerindians, it was the stone of divination. For Tibetans, it is the feminine energy of the Buddha spirit. For Christians, it is the stone that represents the Virgin Mary: it is quoted in biblical texts. In India, it represents the soul of Yogi.
It brings serenity, it regulates the throat chakra. She also has an action against smoking and alcohol. It is a very positive stone for regulating emotions, alleviating grief, overwork, aggression and irritability. This stone helps to overcome worries and annoyances, it allows to remain open to reflection and new ideas.
Self-prescription advice
Generally, the following continuous treatment :
Half a pipette morning and evening between meals directly in the mouth.
Stir in the mouth with saliva for 1 to 2 minutes then swallow.
Shake the bottle before use.
For children : 5 drops twice a day.
Presentation : 30 ml bottle.
ID : SPP001CALC003