"Exploring the importance of water and its effect on health."
Water is energy !
... and is the foundation of life

ANGELIC - pristine water -
Water, fundamental element of life
By consuming living water, we can absorb this energy, which can result in improved health and increased longevity.

Water is a fundamental element for life and energy as it transports them. The level of energy present in water influences the amount of vital energy that cells receive.
Inadequate water quality is the cause of 80% of diseases. Even in developed countries where tap water is processed and sanitized, the viral and vibrational contamination of water is often overlooked. Shockingly, over 3 billion people suffer from illnesses related to water quality.
It is worth noting that the majority of fresh water, approximately 68.9%, originates from glaciers and polar ice caps, with 29.9% coming from groundwater, 0.9% from swamps and soil moisture, and only 0.3% from lakes and rivers.
The mysteries
Water is the most plentiful liquid on Earth and the fundamental element of life. Despite being the most studied molecule, it remains the least understood.
Despite the ultra-specialization of experimental techniques, we still have not fully understood its mysteries, such as its ability to memorize and order at a molecular level. The conventional scientific community has yet to fully accept these unique properties of water.
Water is incredibly sensitive to thought, sound, and positive or negative energies, to the extent that its crystalline form changes its geometric shape when frozen (as seen in the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto).
Moreover, water’s “memory” can be observed in experiments where it is subjected to a magnetic field or energized by an oscillator. These properties demonstrate the remarkable sensitivity and responsiveness of water to its surroundings, and suggest that its behavior may be influenced by factors beyond what conventional science typically considers.
The hydrogen bond is believed to be the mystery of life, rather than water itself. It is responsible for the association of protein base pairs in DNA and the structure and function of proteins.
Water is made up of molecules that carry different energies which can be fleeting or long-lasting depending on its purity. This purity is not determined by quantity, but rather by quality, reminding us that while an individual’s existence may be temporary, life itself is eternal.
Empedocles from Akagras was a renowned philosopher, poet, engineer, and physician of the fifth century B.C. His theory proposed that the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) combine in varying proportions, and that these combinations or separations were due to specific attractions or repulsions similar to love or hate. When dissolved substances interact with water through love, it is called a hydrophilic interaction, and when they interact through hate, it is called a hydrophobic interaction.
Excerpt from an interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto
Spring Water from Himalayas
Angelic is spring water sourced from the Himalayas, that has been fortified with extracts of spagyric plants, crystals, and traces of alchemical metals. This unique blend of ingredients is aimed at producing a water with energetic effects that are over 20 times more potent than those found in ordinary spring water.

When consumed, Angelic water is absorbed by the body and delivers its bioelectric reset energies directly to the cell membranes, penetrating the mitochondria to maintain bioelectric function, reset DNA duplications (telomeres), and reverse cell apoptosis. It is worth noting that our body’s cells are composed of approximately 80% water, emphasizing the importance of drinking water that can cleanse free radicals and accumulated toxic memories.
Angelic water aids in revitalizing the body by eliminating memories and stressors of all kinds that have imparted adverse frequency information to the cells.
The negative information present in regular water hastens the aging process (apoptosis) and disrupts the functioning of our organs.